Saturday, April 5, 2008

Santa Fe, NM

Our original plan was to drive out to Santa Fe and camp out in the Hyde National Park. After twisting and turning up through the mountains, we found the free camp site. It looked like this: So, we decided not to freeze our butts off in our hoodies because it was 45 degrees at 1 pm, so who knew how cold it would get that night. Then, we heard a stream nearby. Annie booked it over there and started to wade in. I called her back but Rob blinked his long eyelashes and told me that Annie rode all the way to Santa Fe, couldn't she please wade around? How could I say no to that? She jumped in and loved it!

This video is of Annie rolling around in the snow and loving it.

1 comment:

Sheena said...

beautiful scenery. Cute video.