Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Dogs Do the Darndest Things!
This evening I was walking with my friend, C, and the dogs. She and I were talking and all of a sudden Annie jumped up and had a bird (pigeon) in her mouth! We were shocked. Luckily, she killed it quickly. Not luckily, C and I were gagging. We continued our walk and there goes Annie, running off. I tried calling her back but she has selective hearing when she wants to run. Then we see her stalking a black bird/crow(?). The little thing starts to fly and Annie jumps, yet again, and grabs him in her mouth. I ran over to see what exactly was going on. Let's just say she messed that little guy up. I don't know what got into her! She's eleven years old but she runs and plays like a young dog. It must be the glucosamine/chondroiton I give her everyday. I didn't get good pictures. I snapped a couple on my phone for Rob because he's probably very proud of her. His little hunter. Harley was very interested in the excitement. I'm a little grossed out.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Then vs Now
I just wanted to show everybody how much our puppy, Harley, has grown. The first picture is from a camping trip when he was 9 weeks old. I know it looks like he's an alchoholic with his beer can, but he really likes to toss them up and chase them around. I think it's the sound they make.....:)
This picture is to just show you how big he is getting compared to Annie. He's about 17 weeks old in this picture. He is going to be a big boy!

I've been walking these guys every night for a good 40 minutes. Harley has caught on to "heel", "whoa" (to make them stop at intersections, street, etc), and "sit". We've moved the kennel into our bedroom and he does so much better.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Family Visit
Sorry that it's been a while since the last post. In my defense, the computer has been getting fixed :) I never realized how dependent we are on technology.
Rob's Mom and brother, Travis, came through here on their way to Phoenix, AZ. The whole time they were driving down here, Trav kept texting me and Rob saying, "You better have Annie (the dog) packed and ready to come home with me!" He misses having her live with him. The first thing he did was grab her and snuggle.

Rob's Mom and brother, Travis, came through here on their way to Phoenix, AZ. The whole time they were driving down here, Trav kept texting me and Rob saying, "You better have Annie (the dog) packed and ready to come home with me!" He misses having her live with him. The first thing he did was grab her and snuggle.
Enjoy the family pictures!
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