I took Harley to the Vet today to keep up on his boosters and get his loose stool situation taken care of. He has gained 3 pounds since the last visit (two weeks ago) and now he weighs 12.4 pounds. Everyone in the waiting room couldn't stop petting him and cooing at him. He's a little lover. I was pretty impressed with how calm and friendly he was. I better not jinx it...:)
Harley kept looking down at the floor trying to decide if he should jump down or not. It's about 3 feet high on that table so I kept having to distract him or pulling him away from the edge.
He loves laying down in this position. He is looking in the camera because he's finally learning to recognize his name when I call him. Yay!
Well, Rob and I went out with some of my friends from work this last weekend. There is not much to do here so we went to Applebee's and had a couple drinks and appetizers. Then we went to Kelly's....Clovis' excuse for a club.
I'm a ham sometimes. But I highly recommend the wine sangria drinks at Applebee's! Yummy!
Our base has a program called "Discover Home". They give us a four day weekend to go discover New Mexico. We went to Ft. Sumner Lake, which is about an hour and a half away from us. It was hot as...well you get the point. Annie ran right into the lake and started playing fetch with Rob. Harley wasn't too sure about the lake at first. The mud was squishy and new for him; but he loved it! Then, Rob took him further into the water and let him doggie paddle for a minute. We wanted to see if he were a natural swimmer so he let him go. He was!
The sun was so bright that Annie looked like her eyes were closed. She looked so cute with Rob's sunglasses on.
Rob put his chair in the lake where he could sit with the water to his head. Annie would swim out to him but then get scared when her feet don't touch the ground and heads back to the shore. Finally, he grabbed her and made her sit on his lap in the lake. They were too cute.
That night, Harley was exhausted! He passed out in the cutest way.
Harley has a new girlfriend. Brook is our friends' dog. Harley likes to jump on her and play tug of war with anything together. Luckily, they tire eachother out. All three of them were a trip (literally) on a walk.
The dogs seem to be getting along better now. Annie doesn't growl at Harley nearly as much. She only shows teeth when he gets near her bone. He is always flipping over on his back and showing her his belly, trying to get her to play or clean him. I was able to snap a couple of picture of them snuggling and napping.
Don't let the calm cute puppy look fool you. He is vicious with his little needle teeth and tiny claws! It looks like I've been attacked by a crazed kitty.
I took Harley to the Vet yesterday. The little rascal is only 9.4 pounds. He is all fur! The poor thing has worms (they said he was dewormed....grrr). So, we started everything over. He should be better very soon. We finally got Annie back on her heartworm meds again.